In Time (2011)

By | 2012-01-28

In Time has a pretty interesting plot. What if the economy revolved around the trading of time left to live, instead of standard currency. Other than that, there is very little Sci-Fi like about this movie, unless you include the Bat-mobile turbine sound that all the cars make. Though there is a huge oddity. You can deduce from the characters dialog that it takes place at least 150 or more years into the future, based on the characters claimed ages. Yet the world looks identical to the current world, accept for the the currently of “time” and the sounds of the vehicles. In fact the Bat-mobile sounding cars all look like the cars we have today. Funny that! Regardless of this, it’s actually a good storey in general and somewhat thought provoking.

Justin Timberlake’s performance for the most part is pretty good. But his crying was so fake I thought it was a joke at first, and was noticeably distracting during a grieving scene. Next time perhaps he should try a masculine silent weeping sort of thing, and not the loud ugly cry he must have been practicing in acting class. It was a little awkward to listen to, and for me ended up being one of the more memorable moments of the film…unfortunately.


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