Google Street View Car

I happened to notice a Google Street View camera car in Winnipeg today. No surprise since the city has had Street View of the streets for several years now, but it’s the first time I’ve seen one of the cars driving around. The camera unit seemed to be covered in a close fitting vinyl condom.… Read More »

Mini Cycle Idiot

Yesterday I’m heading out on some errands, and as I turn onto Morray, I hear a screaming little engine, I look left onto the bridge and some idiot on one of those mini-motorcycles is racing down the street, swerving back and forth across two of the three lanes like a child on a new bike.… Read More »

Windy Last Night in Winnipeg

Looks like it was a bit windy last night in St. James, Winnipeg. We ended up with someone’s metal yard shed in our neighbourhood city park.