A young girl who is a mathematical genius, is kidnapped by the mob to memorize codes and debts. She becomes the interest of another competing mob and dirty police. A suicidal boxer known as the Garbage-Man is our hero, and decides to save her from all these bad people.
Lots of fight scenes, gun fire and car chases. Very Rambo movie like, where we have endless gun fire and beatings directed at the hero with barely a cut or bruise, he can do no wrong, and doesn’t get hurt. So fun to watch but completely unrealistic, as this guy kills uncountable people, and dozens of men can shot at him as he runs around and he doesn’t get a scratch. But unlike Rambo, he does pick up a different gun now and again that is conveniently fully loaded so he has an excuse why he never runs out of bullets. And because he kills so many guys so easily, there are endless free weapons all around him to pick up and use.
If this movie were a first person shooter video game, you’d be a player with no limit on the number of lives. It’s fun at first, then you realize there is no challenge.