Surrogate Mother Wanted for Neanderthal Baby
I’ve loosely been following this topic for the past decade or more, through watching science and anthropology shows, and taking it all in. I first started noticing that some researchers and “experts” in the field were speculating that Neanderthals may not be the big dumb cavemen that has been the accepted gospel since the beginning of archaeology. Till the last few years, no one has ever challenged the thought that Neanderthals were any more than a half ape dead-end off-shoot of the evolution tree. But in the past decade, researchers with more open minds have supposedly found that Neanderthals were social creatures long before our human line was. And there is now evidence that Neanderthals were building weapons and fixing spear heads to shafts with processed pitch long before humans had any idea to do the same. It now appears that Neanderthals used a complex method of creating a pitch to seal the sinews or leather around a spear shaft that would be comparable to a modern day synthetic compound, as in a butle that dries rock hard. They were also far stronger and more muscular than us at the time.
There is also evidence that the Neanderthals were wide spread across what we now call Europe before humans, and it appears that as humans multiplied faster and spread across Europe, the Neanderthals slowly disappeared. It was first thought years ago this must be due to war, and of cause us humans are always presumed to be far superior in conflicts and wiped them out. But many of these researchers now believe that it far more likely that they interbred with humans and were to some extent assimilated into human society. And now that genetic research is advanced enough, they have proved that Neanderthal DNA exists in all human races.
From the science shows I’ve watched, it currently appears that Neanderthals were as artistic or creative as humans at the time, yet they have found that Neanderthals were social before humans and building weapons like spears with synthetic pitch, and using well honed stone cutting edges long before humans had a clue. So if this is all true and fact, it would seem these talents may have been passed to humans from the Neanderthal, and not great human inventions.
The genetic research also shows that the Neanderthal DNA is the strongest in white European races, and the least significant in Asian and Black races, in that order. White people have the most Neanderthal DNA, Asians have considerably less, and black people have very little.
Okay, so when someone like me with a very analytical mind puts this all together, I come to some rough conclusions. Let’s speculate.
First, it appears based on what I’ve seen so far, that the Neanderthals were more logical and creative in the practical, and these seem to be some of their strong traits. Where humans were artistically creative and that seems to have been lacking in Neanderthals. So if we definitely have Neanderthal DNA, it would seem that the two interbreeding, most likely boosted the combined race with certain knowledge and logic that may have allowed us to be greater than we would have been on our own. So it would seem the combination of the two group’s DNA was better than either one alone.
Second, I find it extremely interesting that the cultures with the highest Neanderthal DNA went on to thrive in the colder parts of the world. Where they were able to overcome the climate and evolve into a more advanced society. As opposed to staying in the warm regions where it would be a daily struggle to simply ward off the onslaught of creatures, where it is obviously far harder to survive, aside from the loin cloth weather.
Ask yourself this, if you were stripped of everything but a loin cloth and a spear, and had 2 choices, be dropped into one of two worlds for the rest of your existence, where would it be? The middle of Africa where it is warm but brutal in every other way, and you are food for hundreds of different creatures, half of which are poisonous. Or the middle of Europe or North America where it is warm half the year and cold the other half, but with only a few creatures to worry about doing you harm? I think most intelligent people would likely pick the logical safer world for themselves and their off spring, where you could deal with making yourself warm, and spend more of your time trying to slowly improve your future. Instead of spending all your time simply trying to survive the day.
That having been said, my described logical choice is where the people of our world with the highest percentage of Neanderthal DNA have evolved. Asians as well chose a similar climate. But unlike the white cultures, the Asian cultures never explored the world, expanded, or questioned the world, anywhere near to the same extent, and had limited interest in doing so. And the people with the least Neanderthal DNA decided to never migrate from the warm parts of the world, never explored, and seemed to have no chance or care to evolve past a certain point.
Some would say my comments and conclusions are simply raciest. I’m not raciest, and have Asian and Black friends. Perhaps the things I’ve mentioned are coincidence, or perhaps they are not. Either way it’s very interesting that the cultures and races that the scientists claim have the highest Neanderthal DNA are the ones that evolved further, have the inbred need to explore and always question things, and also basically rule the world as we know it. Personally, I can’t help wonder what part in these characteristics did the Neanderthal play in our DNA. We would only know for sure if we could clone a human and Neanderthal with DNA from before the two intermixed and most likely became the people we are today.
What do you think?