Wrath of the Titans (2012)

By | 2012-07-14

The sequel to the remake of Clash of the Titans. It basically sucks…whatever you personally say you don’t like to suck.

The Greek gods in this movie are either old or out of shape. Who wants to see a Greek god story where the gods don’t even look as good as the humans they are supposed to be controlling. And Sam Worthington (our hero Perseus) looks scrawnier and in poorer shape than he did in the last Titans movie. What’s that about?! For what they pay stars these days in big releases, I’m sure he could have hired a personal trainer to get him to bulk up a little for the part. And if not, the studio definitely should have. Isn’t that what actors do for a living, work to convince us they are the person in the role they play?

That isn’t the only thing wrong with this movie, it’s simply kind of blah, no heart, a completely predictable story line, and generally boring. You don’t care about any of the characters, good or bad. And the big bad villain is a giant molten non-descriptive creature that moves at the pace of the movie. You will sit there bored waiting for the this thing to move and do something mean, while the idiot humans wait to die in the process. Gees people, it’s literally supposed to be a moving mountain, you have time to get to the next city, don’t just stand there!

As far as the quality of CGI and quantity of action scenes, you won’t be disappointed. So it has that going for it, but that about it. Enjoy!


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